Dear Members,
On behalf of the WFP, while we prepare for travels to ICOPA XVI in 2026, we are also already looking forward to ICOPA XVII in 2030. Information on the process, document submission requirements and decision timelines are listed below for your perusal. There will be a two-stage selection process for the successful bid.
The Two-Stage Bid process:
Registered WFP Parasitology Society members interested in hosting the next ICOPA will be selected in a two-stage process.
Stage 1: Pre-bid screening of host societies (Document submission: before August 31st 2025).
Electronic PDF Preliminary bids will be submitted to the WFP secretary before the end of August 2025. The Executive Board of Officers will review all electronic bids and select two bids (by majority vote) to go forward for a full submission at ICOPA XVI, 2026, in Montreal, Canada.
Pre-bid guidelines
WFP will not accept preproposals that exceed 20 pages (A4, font size 10) plus essential links to relevant sites (e.g. convention centre) or other documents (e.g. letters of support from local and/or national governments and local conference/convention bureau). Please address the following criteria in this preliminary bid.
a. Bidding partners (local parasitology organisers and local convention and events professionals) to be identified. Note that WFP will have a core PCO, so no local PCO is required.
b. Full description of proposed venue (lecture and social facilities, poster facilities – static or electronic, number that can be accommodated). Please provide an electronic link to the venue for reference.
c. Outline services of the host city, including travel details to the venue (i.e. airlines, special rates, etc.), complimentary services offered (e.g. promotion, events, the possibility for site inspection, free/discounted local travel passes), etc.
d. Hotel/hostel information, i.e., 1-5 star hotels available and the number of low-cost hostel-type rooms.
e. Outline Congress marketing plan.
f. Provide information on local/government/conference bureau funding likely to be available to support ICOPA.
g. Identify the dates the Congress will take place.
h. List key personnel responsible for the Congress organisation (identify probable committees).
i. Provide the theme and outline of the congress program.
j. Describe outreach and education programs.
k. Outline pre-congress and post-congress programs.
l. Outline budget including proposed registration fees, costs for invited delegates, social events, gala dinner, lunch/coffee/light refreshments.
The bid document will also agree, state and be signed on behalf of the Society by the President or nominee:
The relevant Parasitology Society:
- Agrees to undertake the audited accounts relating to the ICOPA before the Executive Board of the WFP.
- Agrees at all times, a special fund must be created to sponsor individual participants from low and middle-income countries.
- Agrees that the PCO for the conference is Kenes, and the budget for the conference to be presented at ICOPA XVI 2026 will be developed and presented with both parties in agreement (Kenes Group and the respective Society).
Stage 2: Selection of host society for ICOPA XVII 2030 (Document submission date before May 31st 2026).
For the two selected pre-bid nominees, a complete submission at ICOPA XVI 2026 in Montreal, Canada, will be required. A detailed full PDF bid must be submitted before May 31st 2026 to the executive secretary, which the Executive Board of Officers will review to determine due diligence has been exercised and will also be made available to the president of each registered society. A full oral bid will be presented to the WFP membership by each of the two WFP registered Societies (by the President or nominee) and following this, a ballot will be taken to determine the host for ICOPA XVII 2030.
In addition to the information in the pre-bid, the PDF should also consist of:
a. What (legal) form will be given to your local organizing committee?
b. Are there any local or national laws, regulations or customs that would limit, restrict or interfere with the congress in any way?
c. Will unhindered entry to (and exit from) the country be accorded to accredited persons?
d. Can the city demonstrate that it has comprehensive air and rail transportation services?
e. Can the city guarantee that the local transport facility and the provision of cars and busses will be sufficient?
f. Can you provide general information about your city and justify why it should be considered an appropriate site for the congress?
g. If your city is elected, do you have an organization of sufficient experience to stage the congress?
h. Name the similar important international events that have been organized in your city (including the number of participants)
i. What principles do you envisage in arranging the programme?
j. What facilities for the Congress are at present in your city? If these are not sufficient, will others be provided? Where?
k. What Scientific programme do you propose?
l. What Cultural programme do you propose?
m. How will the Congress be financed? (in partnership with PCO Kenes Group)
n. What accommodation will be provided? Where will it be located?
o. What arrangements can you foresee in order to reduce the daily cost of food, lodging and transportation as well as travel costs?
p. Please provide any additional information on the following aspects:
Medical facilities
- medical organization and control
- first aid facilities for attendees
- medical services at the congress
- additional medical facilities in the city
- communicable and tropical diseases
- hygiene and environmental issues
Security issues
- overall security strategy
- police resources to be deployed
- venue security
- protection of attendees in the city
- multi-lingual officers
We look forward to receiving your bid in due course.
Sincerely and on behalf of the WFP President Pikka Jokelainen and the WFP,
Anastasios Tsaousis, WFP Secretary 2025